Explorations of Rapid Prototyping methods
This is a collection of work from the HCI+D prototyping studio. Each week we explored a new prototyping method and built a rapid prototype using various tools and techniques to evaluate our ideas. Each of the projects was a rapid exploration focused on technical skill more than design and research. More details on the process and reflections can be found on my blog.
Low fidelity paper prototype for an application that lets you set goals for your day and reminds you through the day via a synced smart watch. I tested the idea with a few users using paper prototyping. Find more details here.
Redesign of the UW dub website. My process for this included analyzing the current site, determining requirements, creating the information architecture, redesigning the website, and making an interactive prototype in Axure. More details here.
Find my interactive prototype here for details of all pages:
A video walk through can be found at: https://vimeo.com/86814369
Explorations in physical computing using Arduino, the open source prototyping platform and processing software. For the first project, we prototyped a baby room monitor which senses motion, temperature and sound and enables remote monitoring by the parent on an app. We used a PIR motion sensor, temperature sensor and piezo sound sensor for this and used processing to prototype the output on the mobile phone. Find a detailed reflection here.
Collaborator: Yamini Venkataraman
For the second project, we prototyped a plant sensor that senses moisture, temperature and light and helps take better care of plants by texting the needs to the owner as well as indicating on the smart pot. For this we used Arduino, photoresistors, temperature sensors and made our own moisture sensor using galvanized nails. A video prototype of the concept was also created. More details here.
Collaborator: Nina Wei
The task was to build and test a behavioral prototype for a a voice-operated alarm system that provides protection from flooding, spills, and other undesirable water in the home. We used the behavioural prototyping / wizard of oz technique to test it with users.
Collaborators: Alma Emadi, Yamini Venkataraman
Using given design specifications for an app called 'Tweak the Tweet' I made a functional interactive prototype using Axure.
Goal was to quickly design and prototype a handheld blender using the brand Oxo's Universal Design principle. I used modelling clay and card stock to prototype three designs with variations in the shape, grip and placement of controls and did user tests to get feedback. More details here.
This was an open exercise in experimenting with 3D modeling in Rhinoceros3D and the MakerBot for 3D printing.